Ron Young

Ron Young is the founder of Knowledge Associates International group of companies, who are based at St John’s Innovation Centre, Cambridge U.K. He is acknowledged as a leading international expert and thought leader in strategic knowledge asset management. He specializes in knowledge driven results. He advised and assisted the UK DTI Innovation Unit in the production of the UK Government White Paper ‘UK Competitiveness in the Knowledge Driven Economy’. He chaired the BSI Knowledge Management Standards Committee, and he is a member of the ISO International Standards workgroups for Knowledge Management, Innovation Management and Asset Management. He lectures on the Global Knowledge Economy, and he teaches Knowledge Asset Management at leading Universities. He consults to the United Nations, World Bank, European Commission, and the inter-governmental Asian Productivity Organization. He specializes in developing knowledge strategies, policies, governance models, standards, knowledge systems and knowledge driven platforms. He was a lead research consultant for the European Commission ‘Know-Net’ and LEVER projects. He is joint author/editor of the books: Knowledge Asset Management – leveraging the world’s knowledge, Entre Aspas, 2022, Intellectual Capital in the Digital Economy, Routledge, 2020, Knowledge Management Facilitators Guide, Tools and Techniques, APO, Tokyo, 2020, A Guide to Global Best Practice in Standards in KM, Ark Group, 2019, Knowledge Management Matters – words of wisdom from leading practitioners, J.Girard, 2018, Enhancing Knowledge Productivity, APO, Tokyo 2017, Knowledge Management for the Public Sector, APO, Tokyo 2014, Knowledge Management: Case Studies for SMEs, APO, Tokyo, 2009, ‘Knowledge